New House, Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1ER
We appreciate that seeing a solicitor can be daunting and we offer a friendly, personal and professional approach and an initial no obligation free 30 minute consultation for most new matters so we can get to know you and you can get to know us. We cover the following:-
We deal with all disputes between cohabitees from separation and children matters to financial matters including the ownership of property.
Please contact Edward Holmes for Cohabitee Disputes
We are here to help. We will advise as to your rights in relation to property, finances and children matters and we provide a supportive and caring professional approach. We offer a fixed-price divorce package of £700 + VAT plus court fees of £593 acting for the Applicant in an undefended divorce. Please note, in certain circumstances, you may be entitled to financial help with court fees. If you wish to seek advice please complete this form (click to download) and bring it to us at your first appointment. Our fixed price acting for the Respondent is £300 + VAT at 20%.
You can access a comprehensive list of our costs here
Please contact Edward Holmes for Family & Matrimonial Advice
Please call for a free 30-minute no-obligation initial discussion to explore your specific queries.
We will keep you updated through every stage of your case.
Unfortunately, no. We do, however, provide excellent legal advice at very reasonable rates..
New House, Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1ER
88 Mudeford, Christchurch BH23 4AS
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